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Vermilion Lake Association

Sometimes clients come to you from the far ends of the earth… good thing, too! In the case of the VLA, which helps preserve Vermilion Lake near Minnesota’s Boundry Waters area, the challenge to re-brand itself for all of todays tools seemed daunting.  JSH&P was there to help place a friendly and versatile spin on the “fish” logo and help keep the VLA relevant for years to come.

We'll admit it... we're fishing for our next client.



Grace 242 Church

An unconventional Mequon-based Christian church, focused on doing good works within the community, wanted to attract a whole new movement.  Churches who push the boundaries have a great history of also pushing marketing boundaries, too. 

Maybe the sign you're looking for is right in front of you.

North Shore United

North Shore United

North Shore United Soccer

A leading Southeastern Wisconsin youth soccer organization based in Cedarburg wanted to attract more participation from small towns all across the county.  Sometimes, you have to risk changing everything to gain everything.  You won’t find a mini-van in Ozaukee County without one of these stickers.

JSH&P creates winning brand dynasties!

Science Museum of Minnesota

Science Museum of Minnesota

Science Museum of Minnesota

St. Paul’s museum for kids of all ages.  Showcasing an historical exhibit that broke all attendance records on Dinosaurs!

Who knew that dinosaurs and jelly beans co-existed?

Kids Cope Now

Kids Cope Now

Kids Cope Now

Waukesha-based author, inventor and producer of printed products and systems for hospitals to alleviate the stresses kids feel while undergoing surgery and treatment.

We can help you launch your idea.