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Claim Your No.1 Spot (even if your 14th)

Claim Your No.1 Spot (even if your 14th)

O’Neil Cannon

Not many agencies get the “green light” with a new client by “dissing” the two principals at the firm… but that’s what happened with O’Neil Cannon Hollman DeJong & Laing.  At the time, the firm was O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman & DeJong.

“I told them that they should change the name to O’Neil Cannon because that’s all anyone would remember.  Too bad Mr. Hollman, Mr. DeJong  and Mr. Laing were the remaining partners in the firm!  I suspect they appreciated the honesty… it certainly wasn’t my good looks that won them over.”

O’Neil was the 14th largest law firm in Milwaukee, but their track record of success was as good, if not better, than any other law firm in town — and the firms larger than they seemed to be preoccupied with becoming the strongest firm in the region — abdicating their claim on the city.  By presenting O’Neil as the premier law firm in town, it didn’t matter that the number of lawyers they had was much smaller, they simply needed to appear as strong as their larger counterparts to win their own backyard.

You see, if no one else will stake a claim in an area of your expertise, even if you are much smaller in size, your stature needn’t be.  Go ahead and claim it… BUT, you better be prepared to back it up, and for the level of your brand to be on par, if not greater, than any other in the marketplace.  That’s where JSH&P can deliver results.

JSH&P provided consultive services to the firm of O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing, along with full agency services including print advertising, brand development, web design/production and collateral and promotional design.

JSH&P’s Mike Farley

JSH&P’s Mike Farley

A little bio —

With 30 years of experience, the founder and leader of the JSH&P team is Mike Farley, one of Wisconsin’s leading brand experts.  He cut his advertising and design teeth with Fortune 500 giant General Mills, working the flagship Cheerios brand, as well as CocoPuffs, Yoplait, Hamburger Helper and Olive Garden.

Having worked in Minneapolis during the creative awakening in the late 1980’s, Mike became the youngest Creative Director in town while at Clarke Livingston & Associates.  He was recruited to the Milwaukee area in the 90’s and ultimately started his own award winning design firm Axis Creative in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward.  However, the effects of the 9-11 disaster hit the marketing community hard, and Mike was lured to try a new venture with client Econoprint.

Then, in 2007, the itch of the entrepreneur took hold again and Farley started JacksonSpencer LLC in Cedarburg.  It’s there that JSH&P works it’s magic for clients big and small — handling the brand management and leading marketing efforts that not only look good, but add profit to any businesses bottom line.